Singing a Song of Joy
Singing will remain rooted in suffering forever. The most beautiful and enduring songs were born of suffering and sung in faith—trusting that their song of sorrow would one day become a song of joy.
Singing will remain rooted in suffering forever. The most beautiful and enduring songs were born of suffering and sung in faith—trusting that their song of sorrow would one day become a song of joy.
The Church, in its many forms, has both struggled and flourished across history. What our forgetful hearts must remember is that love is the Church’s one foundation. As a people who base all words and actions on love we need to hear our foundational covenant again and again if we are to ever make our … Continue reading The Church’s One Foundation
Acts of gratitude happen all around us, even when we aren’t seeing them. It can be how we welcome someone into the church kitchen, building maintenance, onto the board, or even into our worship service. We can show our gratitude through acts of inclusive, loving, kindness to others. Lets talk about ways we can open … Continue reading An Act of Gratitude
It is said that the age of a pastor is usually a reflection of the median age of a church’s members. That may be true but a healthy, inclusive church needs the dreams of all ages. How can we dream together in a way that serves the needs of our congregation and our community?
Join us this Sunday for an informative and inspirational preview of our fall Adult Religious Exploration offerings.
This service will celebrate pop & rock music in which we might find inspiration and spiritual guidance using chart toppers of various genres. The music selections include choices from members of the congregation.
On the anniversary of Sophia Lyon Fahs’ death we contemplate her gift of teaching and writing focused on a method of experiential learning that she hoped would enable children to develop their own ideas about religion and spirituality.
Moral injury and the journey back to compassion.
Sometimes our dreams to change the world change our hearts too.
Love has broader implications than just determining how we behave in our individual relationships; love is a belief that all people deserve freedom from oppression.