Topic: Inspiring

Music to Live By

This service will celebrate pop & rock music in which we might find inspiration and spiritual guidance using chart toppers of various genres. The music selections include choices from members of the congregation.

The importance of Thinking for Ourselves

On the anniversary of Sophia Lyon Fahs’ death we contemplate her gift of teaching and writing focused on a method of experiential learning that she hoped would enable children to develop their own ideas about religion and spirituality.

The Love We Make…

Love has broader implications than just determining how we behave in our individual relationships; love is a belief that all people deserve freedom from oppression.

What Justice Looks Like

We want to be peacemakers and we want to work for justice, not only in our own communities, but in ever expanding circles. Often, however, it is hard to know what specific task to which we are called and how we are supposed to create change. Abigail, an overlooked figure from the Hebrew Bible, helps … Continue reading What Justice Looks Like

The Lens of Faith

I have come to understand the religious life as looking at the world through the lens of a telescope or a microscope. Join me as I identify some of the things in my lens of faith that I find inspiring and sustaining.