Singing a Song of Joy
Singing will remain rooted in suffering forever. The most beautiful and enduring songs were born of suffering and sung in faith—trusting that their song of sorrow would one day become a song of joy.
Singing will remain rooted in suffering forever. The most beautiful and enduring songs were born of suffering and sung in faith—trusting that their song of sorrow would one day become a song of joy.
The world has lost its way. It is so clear to see chaos, hate, and greed growing rapidly, while fear among marginalized populations rises to critical levels. Can we really protect others and transform lives with just our love?
In this moment in the history of the world and of the church, we are being asked to examine how the way we do things is pushing back against a dominant culture of scarcity and oppression or simply replicating that culture in our communities of faith. For this reason we must ask whether our community … Continue reading Troubling the Waters
Learning to care for one another through the many causes of grief.
Rev Charlie Dieterich, UU Trauma Response Ministry, will lead us in a service of comfort and recovery. Tina Harmuth will be our co-celebrant.