Topic: Journey

Whither Men in America?

In the 1970s and 1980s, the women’s movement was supported by a movement of men who wished to get in touch with their feelings and become more compassionate. Four decades later, while the women’s movement has made great strides, the men’s movement has largely faded from consciousness. To fill that vacuum, many young American men … Continue reading Whither Men in America?

On Slowing Down

Moving through each day can feel like we are racing against the clock. Are we missing opportunities to enrich our lives and the lives of others by being too focused on day to day things? What might we see when we slow down and look away from our own path?

To Love and Be Loved

By being surrounded by love, we open our minds to another person’s perspective. We allow ourselves to hear their opinions and their morals and challenge our own thoughts, and occasionally those thoughts change. To be loved is an invitation to change at the deepest level, an invitation become fully a part of the interdependent web … Continue reading To Love and Be Loved

Young and Old Can Dream Together

It is said that the age of a pastor is usually a reflection of the median age of a church’s members. That may be true but a healthy, inclusive church needs the dreams of all ages. How can we dream together in a way that serves the needs of our congregation and our community?

New Beginnings

Opportunities for change present themselves to us every day—sometimes we let them pass us by and sometimes we embrace the moment in a leap of faith. As a congregation, we are moving into an exciting new chapter in the life of All Peoples Church. Are you ready?

Parabellum or Parapacem?

In everything we do we will find bad and good, suffering and flourishing, opposition and agreement. It is the natural coexistence of the wheat and the weeds that gives us the opportunity to choose which path we forge in our world; will we choose parabellum or parapacem?

Seeking the Divine(s)

Lindsay Boyer says, “We live in a culture in which many of us are increasingly exposed to faith traditions other than the ones with which we grew up. Once we become knowledgeable about other faiths, we are unlikely to have the same prejudices we may have learned as children. We see that people of other … Continue reading Seeking the Divine(s)