The Holy Nobody
In the hushed mystery of Christmas Eve we await the birth of a world at peace.
In the hushed mystery of Christmas Eve we await the birth of a world at peace.
In celebration of the Christmas season, the All Peoples Church Choir will present a joyful collection of old and familiar songs with a contemporary and stylish twist sure to brighten your day. Come one, Come All ! You don’t want to miss this special choir service.
The most fundamental meaning of advent is that of voluntary action that brings about justice in our world.
There can be joy in celebrating the “sacred spaces of the unknown” in our own lives. We will discuss the beautiful ways that being connected with, and an active participant in, a universe that is vast and mysterious shapes our personal faith journeys.
Where are the lines between these three concepts? How do we define the lines or know when we’ve crossed them? How does that fit in with our covenant and recognizing the dignity and worth (and the autonomy) of every living soul in the quest of Truth?
There is nothing more generous than a person who chooses kindness in response to unkindness. Using kindness to grow justice.
I have for many years suspected that the real reason our churches exist is to transform people who transform the world. What do we want to transform ourselves into and what do we want our world to become?
The challenge of becoming a reservoir of generosity that promises love and liberation for our most marginalized communities. Where do we start?
We want to be peacemakers and we want to work for justice, not only in our own communities, but in ever expanding circles. Often, however, it is hard to know what specific task to which we are called and how we are supposed to create change. Abigail, an overlooked figure from the Hebrew Bible, helps … Continue reading What Justice Looks Like
Learning to care for one another through the many causes of grief.