Speaker: Kendra Weddle

Let’s Meet in the Middle

We don’t have to accept that “this is just how it is.” Instead, we can cultivate a hopeful community beyond either/or. In the land of both/and, we can join hands and be the dream we long for.

Becoming Better

Do you have people in your life who urge you to be better, to do better? What tools of transformation do you find helpful? This week’s sermon uses an often neglected story to invite us into the process of transformation.

What Justice Looks Like

We want to be peacemakers and we want to work for justice, not only in our own communities, but in ever expanding circles. Often, however, it is hard to know what specific task to which we are called and how we are supposed to create change. Abigail, an overlooked figure from the Hebrew Bible, helps … Continue reading What Justice Looks Like

Free and Responsible?

Too often in our busy and complex world, we incorrectly think that freedom is about having a wide array of choices. And yet, sometimes these same choices do not signal freedom but rather attachment, its own kind of limitation. So, what does it mean to be on a search that is both free and responsible? … Continue reading Free and Responsible?

Tell Me What You See

The story of Arjuna from The Bhagavad Gita, suggests that leaning into our stories is a vital way to pay attention. Like Arjuna, seeing our field is the path to trusting Divine mystery, understanding our deepest selves, and living a life where we care for our neighbors. Kendra Weddle, PhD, is currently serving as the … Continue reading Tell Me What You See

Going Home by Another Way

On our life’s journey, we too often put down roots smack in the middle of complacency. This plodding, putting one foot in front of the other, looking neither left or right, can cause us to miss opportunities for epiphany. The good news is that we can begin again. And, we can put into practice some … Continue reading Going Home by Another Way