CUUPs(Covenant of UU Pagans) Anniversary
Join CUUPs in a maypole dance as we celebrate Beltane and May Day for our 30th anniversary here at All Peoples UU Church.
Join CUUPs in a maypole dance as we celebrate Beltane and May Day for our 30th anniversary here at All Peoples UU Church.
We don’t have to accept that “this is just how it is.” Instead, we can cultivate a hopeful community beyond either/or. In the land of both/and, we can join hands and be the dream we long for.
Elijah Anderson writes, “Since the end of the Civil Rights Movement, large numbers of black people have made their way into settings previously occupied only by whites, though their reception has been mixed. Overwhelmingly white neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, restaurants, and other public spaces remain. Black people perceive such settings as “the white space,” which they … Continue reading White Space and Invisible Ghettos
Written by Kate Cohen. Read by Laurie Mikitka. Where atheism becomes a positive belief and not just a negative one is our understanding that, without a higher power, we need human power to change the world. This essay was adapted from “We of Little Faith: Why I Stopped Pretending to Believe (and Maybe You Should … Continue reading America doesn’t need more God. It needs more atheists.
When I said that I have visited more than forty UU congregations, someone asked me what I saw as common elements among them. I’ll share some of what I’ve seen and learned. Daniel Polk serves as Executive Director of NTUUC—North Texas Unitarian Universalist Congregations.
Love has broader implications than just determining how we behave in our individual relationships; love is a belief that all people deserve freedom from oppression.
The most fundamental meaning of advent is that of voluntary action that brings about justice in our world.
I have for many years suspected that the real reason our churches exist is to transform people who transform the world. What do we want to transform ourselves into and what do we want our world to become?
The challenge of becoming a reservoir of generosity that promises love and liberation for our most marginalized communities. Where do we start?
We want to be peacemakers and we want to work for justice, not only in our own communities, but in ever expanding circles. Often, however, it is hard to know what specific task to which we are called and how we are supposed to create change. Abigail, an overlooked figure from the Hebrew Bible, helps … Continue reading What Justice Looks Like