Topic: Hope

Troubling the Waters

In this moment in the history of the world and of the church, we are being asked to examine how the way we do things is pushing back against a dominant culture of scarcity and oppression or simply replicating that culture in our communities of faith. For this reason we must ask whether our community … Continue reading Troubling the Waters

De Profundis

Oscar Wilde wrote, “Suffering is one very long moment. We cannot divide it by seasons. We can only record its moods, and chronicle their return.” How to remain hopeful when we find ourselves overwhelmed by the weight of suffering in the world.

Burning Bowl

A member led service in observance of the New Year. We’ll reflect on the past year and prepare to move forward into 2024. The service will include a ritual to symbolically release and leave behind past regrets while honoring our need to be steadfast and persevere.

Radical Generosity

The challenge of becoming a reservoir of generosity that promises love and liberation for our most marginalized communities. Where do we start?

Going Home by Another Way

On our life’s journey, we too often put down roots smack in the middle of complacency. This plodding, putting one foot in front of the other, looking neither left or right, can cause us to miss opportunities for epiphany. The good news is that we can begin again. And, we can put into practice some … Continue reading Going Home by Another Way