Topic: Comfort
On Slowing Down
Moving through each day can feel like we are racing against the clock. Are we missing opportunities to enrich our lives and the lives of others by being too focused on day to day things? What might we see when we slow down and look away from our own path?
Picking Up the Costume Pieces
What I love about children is their unbridled capacity to be silly and laugh at the absurdity of life. It takes me back to Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry’s quote in The Little Prince, “All grown-ups were once children…but only few of them remember it.” The world chips away at us as we grow, leaving fragments of … Continue reading Picking Up the Costume Pieces
Bringing Our Full Self Forward: A UU Potluck
Is there a better example of liberating love than that which welcomes differing beliefs into a set of principles that transform us into justice seeking people?
Love is the Heart of the Matter
True love requires our work of cultivation AND letting go.
The Holy Nobody
In the hushed mystery of Christmas Eve we await the birth of a world at peace.
Hey God, Get Your Own Cat
Learning to care for one another through the many causes of grief.
The Lens of Faith
I have come to understand the religious life as looking at the world through the lens of a telescope or a microscope. Join me as I identify some of the things in my lens of faith that I find inspiring and sustaining.
Comfort Me
Rev Charlie Dieterich, UU Trauma Response Ministry, will lead us in a service of comfort and recovery. Tina Harmuth will be our co-celebrant.